Friday, February 23, 2007

Once more, into the 2320AD breach

Just recently, the publisher of 2320AD phased back into existence again. He is now hard at work preparing an interim version of 2320AD, to be published as a PDF. I've seen the first drafts, and it looks good, about equal in quality to the original D20 Traveller's Handbook. At the same time, someone else is working on the final version, which incorporates a different layout and much more extensive art. This version will also be made available as a PDF, with purchasers of the original to get a free upgrade. This version is the one that would go to print, should the project actually get that far. This is what QuikLink Interactive's (the publisher) has announced for the project, at least on the message forums on it's site. No official, in-the-news sort of announcement yet, though.


Evil Dr Ganymede said...

I'd love to believe it's happening... but so far I've not seen a jot of evidence that Hunter is doing anything - it seems to be you and Ted doing all the work in public. Meanwhile it looks like Hunter has disappeared from CotI again.

Colin said...

I certainly understand scepticism on this issue, but I m prepared to give Hunter the benefit of the doubt, at least for a little while longer.